Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, AMS, is a technique for high precision measurement of radioisotope ratios. This technique is used for a large range of applications. NEC provides a wide variety of accelerators designed specifically for AMS.
AMS is used to measure ratios of many different elements including, but not limited to, carbon, beryllium, aluminum, calcium, iodine, chlorine, and the actinides. NEC can provide a system specifically designed for measurement of the specific radioisotope ratios in which the user is interested.
NEC offers low energy AMS systems for measurement of the above elements with the exception of chlorine. Higher energy systems are designed for chlorine measurement and for versatile systems that can perform AMS and Ion Beam Analysis (IBA)
Low Energy AMS Systems
250kV Deck
Designed for carbon AMS
Based on an open-air deck design, eliminating need for an SF6 pressure vessel |
500kV Tandem Pelletron
Designed for carbon AMS
Improved background and higher throughput compared to SSAMS |
500kV Tandem Pelletron
Designed for carbon, beryllium, and aluminum AMS
Based on the CAMS design with bigger magnets and a final 45° magnet for improved beryllium background |
Actinide AMS |
500kV Tandem Pelletron
Designed for iodine and carbon AMS
Larger magnets with high-energy magnet bouncing to accommodate 125I, 127I, 129I isotope measurement |
1MV Tandem Pelletron
Designed for carbon, beryllium, aluminum, iodine, and calcium AMS
Magnet size and optical elements designed specifically to add calcium isotope measurement capability |
1MV Tandem Pelletron
Designed to be the most versatile compact AMS system capable of, but not limited to, carbon, beryllium, aluminum, calcium, and the actinides
Two high-energy magnets with bouncing
Simultaneous measurement of up to 8 isotopes |
High Energy AMS
NEC offers 3MV and 6MV systems that can measure the same radioisotope ratios as the low energy AMS systems along with the capability of measuring chlorine. The primary advantage of these higher energy systems is lower backgrounds.
Higher energy systems, such as our Versatile AMS and IBA System, are designed for users that require the ability to perform AMS and IBA measurements on a single system.
3MV AMS system with pressure vessel moved for servicing the accelerator column |