Mini CVD system for CNT synthesis MPCNT-Premium



         Main unit of MPCNT-Premium                                    Vertically-aligned long-length CNT

Purpose:    The premium model of the mini CVD system, equipped with a multi-gas-introduction unit and a catalyst-precursor-heating unit, is designed for growing long-length (50μm-2mm) carbon nanotubes in both powder and vertically-aligned films.
・A variety of carbon sources (ethanol liquid and hydrocarbon gases) can be chosen.
・Radiation thermometer for monitoring of substrate temperature is equipped.
・Catalyst-precursor providing unit s equipped.
・Both of powdery and vertically-aligned CNT can be synthesized.
・0.5-1g/lot of powdery CNTs can be produced.
・The max. length of the CNTs can reach to 2mm.

 This min-size high-performance CNT synthesis system is an enhanced version of MPCNT-Basic with advanced features such as a catalyst precursor heating mechanism and multi-gas introduction mechanism. It is capable of synthesizing vertically aligned CNT on substrates and powder CNT in large quantities.
 The catalytic precursor heating mechanism is a standard feature of this system. Subliming a catalytic precursor using heated filament enables catalyst to be deposited on substrates or powdery catalyst-support materials, so that a separate catalyst-formation apparatus and process are not required. This makes the system a complete CNT synthesis system which realizes catalyst formation and CNT formation at the same time.
 Also, the heated filament generates activated radicals in large quantities and accelerates CNT formation. This makes it possible to easily grow long-length CNTs (length 50μm-2mm).
 The multi-gas introduction mechanism is also a standard feature of this system. This system can introduce hydrocarbon gas (methane, ethylene, or acetylene) and hydrogen gas, as well as ethanol liquid. The types of synthesized CNT vary depending on the types of source gas. For example, the combination of acetylene gas, catalytic precursor, and powdery catalyst-support materials produces long-length CNT in powder form. The combination of ethylene gas, Fe/Co catalytic membrane, and a small amount of water produces SWCNT. The combination of ethanol and Fe powder produces carbon nanocoils.

